Dec 2, 2019

Better design better experience

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

One of the benefits of building a startup is that we're able to move fast. It takes about two weeks for us to test new features. Some of the things we recently changed and deployed are the design of our onboarding flow, which has improved in usability significantly.

There is still more we would like to add, but to every addition, we have to consider how does it interact with the other features already on the screen. It's like a painting composition that we aim to have balanced, easy to grasp, and with the appropriate colours to engage our users.

If you're in the process of moving house, looking to move in the near future, or even moved a while ago we encourage you to try our new experience here.

Aside from our relentless focus on experience we have been featured in a couple of articles. Dropbox interviewed one of our founders and coined her as setting a pacesetting culture at Monadd. It's an article worth reading featuring six archetypes of leadership - read it here.

Our founder was also featured on a list of advice by 22 founders of what they wished they knew before starting their companies. This is an article filled with insights for anyone who is looking to bring their idea into reality. The most refreshing aspect of this article is the diversity and genuine perspectives from founders at different stages of the startup journey. Read it fully at Business Insider.

Lastly, that image you see at the top of this post is our new ad in every Traveller magazine on easyJet this month. Pick a copy and spot us.

More updates to come soon - stay tuned.

The Monadd Team