Aug 4, 2020

Move Offline, Stay Online: Your Guide to Broadband and Moving Home

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

Moving home tops the list of the most stressful things we do. Yet we keep on doing it. You shouldn’t have to worry about the broadband speed in your new place. Follow this guide to sorting out the WiFi so you can focus on unpacking the kitchen.

Planning your broadband move

Compare the best deals

The first step to getting connected is checking what deals are available at your new address. You can find the fastest connection in your area with a broadband coverage checker. You’ll get a rundown of the current broadband deals available so you can make an informed decision.

Reviewing your contract

Next, check your current broadband contract. Most contracts have a fixed period of 12, 18 or 24 months before switching to a rolling monthly contract. If you’re still within that period, you leaving early can cost you money. If you’re on the rolling contract, you should be able to provide 30 days’ notice and leave for free.

If you still feel unsure, this guide has all the information you need on broadband contracts.

Your current provider may not cover your new address. If this is the case, you may be able to leave your contract early without paying extra. Either way, be sure to discuss this with your provider before signing up for a new deal!

Moving with your broadband

Moving with your broadband is a good option if your current contract hasn’t ended or no competitors can beat your current deal. Best of all, it’s easy to do.

Simply let them know you’re moving and they’ll take care of everything else. Make sure to give them a decent amount notice though. That can range from 7 days to up to a month. You can check your provider’s website or your contract for your notice period.

Switching your broadband

Switching broadband provider is a great option in some situations. From lack of coverage to cheaper (or faster) broadbands, there is plenty of good reasons to make the switch.

Either way, switching broadband is a simple process.

  1. Double-check your contract if you haven’t already to see if you can switch freely or will incur an early termination fee.

  2. Decide what you need. Think about the speed, cost and features.

  3. Find out what deals are available at your new address.

  4. Choose a package from the list of available providers.

  5. Complete the application process and set the date for as close to your moving day as possible.

  6. Give notice to your current provider.

Organising your broadband is a breeze with a little planning and you can get it done before moving day. All you need to do is check your options and choose the best deal for you.

Moving house comes with a truckload of tedious administrative tasks but getting online won’t be one of them!

Broadband Genie is the UK's first dedicated broadband comparison site committed to saving consumers time and money by making broadband switches pain-free.