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Done Deal

Waw tenantiaid

Mae rheolwyr eiddo ac asiantaethau adleoli yn dewis Monadd i ddarparu profiad symud esmwyth i denantiaid newydd a pherchnogion tai.

Arbed arian a rhyddhau gweithrediadau llaw

Affiliate partners

Earn a commission when you provide Monadd to your residents or movers.


Give them the value they are looking for with a fully digitized experience, on both web and mobile,  for them to manage all the bills and services linked to their unit. 


Register in the link below and start earning right away.

Working From Home
Image by Stephanie Harvey

How Monadd works with proptechs

A clear value-add for the resident experience


Move-in value

Integrate Monadd seamlessly into your resident apps and portals, providing a smooth and efficient experience for your residents. Enhance your app's functionality and delight residents with a unique feature they'll come back to.


Relocation must-have

Simplify the process for individuals and families moving to new locations by offering them a comprehensive and user-friendly platform.


Add-on Feature

Enhance your existing products with Monadd's add-on feature. Provide your customers with an additional value proposition and increase the functionality of your products.


Resident benefit-package

Residents can enjoy the convenience of managing their services whether they are moving or staying at the same residence.


Archebwch gyfarfod i ddechrau gydag API neu integreiddiad.

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